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Group Therapy 

Group Therapy

Many people live with a mental health condition that affects daily functioning. Comprehensive mental health treatment can help you manage your symptoms so that you can feel and function better. 

People with a wide range of mental health conditions may benefit from group therapy. Group therapy provides education, support, and community that can help people develop skills and manage mental health symptoms. 

This article will provide an overview of group therapy for mental health. You will learn:

  • What happens in group therapy
  • Different types of group therapy
  • The benefits of participating in group therapy
  • Where to find mental health treatment

Contact the compassionate mental health specialists at Agape Behavioral Healthcare to learn about our holistic treatment programs in Fort Pierce. 

What is Group Therapy?

Group therapy is a type of talk therapy that occurs in a group setting. One or more certified group therapists lead sessions. People may attend group therapy sessions in a variety of settings, including clinics, hospitals, and community centers. 

People may attend group therapy sessions to manage mental health conditions, including:

Comprehensive mental health treatment plans may include group therapy. In addition to individual therapy and other treatments, support groups can help people learn to manage the symptoms of mental health conditions. People may take advantage of group therapy to support a long-term mental health journey. They may also attend therapy groups to address specific needs. 


Exploring Different Types of Group Therapy

Each person has unique needs during mental health treatment. There are several types of group therapy that can provide each person with the support they need. 

Here is an overview of several types of group therapy. 

Cognitive behavioral groups

Cognitive behavioral group therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on recognizing and changing harmful patterns. In this therapy, people learn to identify destructive thoughts, emotional responses, and behaviors and develop skills to change them. 

Psychoeducational groups

This type of therapy focuses on educating people about mental health conditions. People learn new, healthy ways to cope with symptoms and other challenges. 

Interpersonal groups

Interpersonal groups focus on examining people’s interpersonal relationships and their effects on mental health. People think about how much support they receive from others and consider social interactions in new ways. 

Skills groups

Skills development groups focus on helping people gain critical social skills. This therapeutic approach may benefit people with mental health disorders or developmental disabilities. 

General support groups

Support groups can reduce isolation and connect people with a variety of mental health conditions. People with mental health disorders and their families can find support, community, and resources in these groups. 

Joining a group can help people gain new insight, find support, and feel more connected as they navigate a mental health condition. 

What to Expect in Group Therapy

Joining a therapy group may feel intimidating. Knowing what to expect may help you feel more comfortable taking this step. 

Typically, group therapy sessions include 8 to 12 participants and at least one mental health professional. Group meetings may be open or closed to the public. Members of the group may be from a treatment program or come from the community. 

Different groups, professionals, and therapeutic approaches mean no group sessions will be identical. However, many groups follow a basic routine. In a group therapy session, people may:

  • Participate in activities to help people get to know each other
  • Set and share goals
  • Engage in writing activities to identify emotions related to experiences
  • Ask the other members questions
  • Share experiences or feedback

Closed-group sessions are not open to the public. In this case, small groups work together consistently and may develop a strong sense of community. Open-group sessions allow new people to join. 

The Benefits of Group Therapy

Participating in group therapy can be beneficial for people with a wide range of needs. Here are some of the most important benefits of therapy groups. 

A sense of belonging

People benefit from having the support of a caring community. Attending group therapy sessions can help people develop a sense of belonging and connection as they manage their mental health. 

Skills and information

Participating in therapy groups can give people broader access to information, skills, and community resources. Having several other perspectives and insights can help people navigate mental health challenges. 

Improved communication skills

People learn how to express their ideas, needs, and beliefs more clearly. They practice hearing other people and respecting opposing views. Practicing social skills in a safe environment can help people work toward healthier relationships in other areas. 

Find Mental Health Support

If you or someone you love can benefit from mental health care or support, the Agape Behavioral Healthcare specialists can help. Contact us now to explore our treatment programs in Fort Pierce or schedule an intake appointment. 


  1. National Institute of Health: Group Therapy
  2. American Psychological Association: Group therapy is as effective as individual therapy, and more efficient. Here’s how to do it successfully
  3. Sage Journals: An exploration of members’ experiences of group therapy: an interpretive phenomenological analysis
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Sahil Talwar, PA-C, MBA

Sahil Talwar is a physician assistant with over 7 years of experience in emergency, inpatient and outpatient psychiatry. He is licensed in both South Carolina and North Carolina. He graduated from South College with his Master’s in Physician Assistant studies in 2015. Sahil has utilized his experience by treating patients in both civilian and military settings. He is a Captain in the Army Reserves and has 15 years of military service. He is the owner of Carolina Psychiatry and Addiction Services.

Sahil specializes in medication assisted treatment. His focus is on helping people who suffer from multiple issues, such as schizophrenia, mood disorders, substance abuse, PTSD, anxiety, depression, OCD, and ADHD.

Sahil enjoys taking time and listening to better understand what his patients are experiencing. He believes that empathy, respect and trust are integral traits that all providers must possess. He believes in the value of hard work and dedication to overcoming mental illness and will help his patients to achieve their mental health goals.