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Dual Diagnosis

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Florida

A dual diagnosis happens when a person has two co-occurring mental health disorders or a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder. A high amount of people with a mental disorder will have a problem with drugs or alcohol as well. When these interact, both conditions may worsen. When working with a trusted recovery facility, it is possible to receive effective treatment.

Is dual diagnosis common?

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health has uncovered that 45 percent of people in this country are challenged by a dual diagnosis. This makes it essential to have an effective way to treat all issues. Individuals who suffer from mental health problems are approximately twice as likely to suffer from substance abuse disorders. Many factors overlap and aggravate both conditions.

  • Brain Responses
  • Heredity
  • Environmental Triggers
  • Early Exposure

How does substance use disorder play a role in dual diagnosis?

Although substance abuse and mental health issues are closely associated, they do not always cause the other. However, there are direct ways in which dependence on drugs and alcohol can make certain mental health problems worse.

  • Self-medicating. Some individuals use drugs or alcohol to lower the symptoms of a mental disorder. However, medicating without a doctor’s supervision can lead to negative side effects and can worsen mental health symptoms.
  • Heightened Risk for Mental Disorders. Mental health problems usually stem from heredity, the environment, and other factors. However, if a person is at risk for developing a mental health issue, using drugs and alcohol can push the person into a bad place. For instance, certain evidence shows that people who use opioids are at a higher risk for developing depression.
  • Drugs and Alcohol Worsen Problems. Substance abuse can greatly increase mental illness symptoms or begin new ones. Also, the substances can have a negative interaction with prescribed antidepressants and similar medications.

Common co-occurring disorders

  • Mood Disorders
  • Personality Disorders
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • ADHD
  • PTSD

How does someone develop co-occurring disorders

Many times, genetics may lead a person to develop substance abuse problems or mental health issues. However, a person may develop co-occurring disorders through stressful experiences and environmental factors. Many times, a person with a mental health disorder may begin using drugs and alcohol to cope with anxiety or other mental health symptoms.

Treatment options available for dual diagnosis treatment in florida

Florida dual diagnosis treatment options include inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, and various therapies. When a person is suffering and needs a safe place to detox or to receive one-on-one attention for mental illness, inpatient treatment is vital. 

If necessary, professionals utilize medication to help with the detox process. A solid plan of action will be developed to help a person deal with emotional and mental health issues along with substance abuse. Once a person is ready to return to everyday life, a plan for continued therapy will be recommended. Outpatient treatment may be intensive.

One specific therapy that is used to treat dual diagnosis is cognitive behavioral therapy. It helps patients address mental health disorders and substance abuse. When used with traditional treatments, it can help a person identify and change behaviors that relate to their problems. 

Family therapy can be used to provide the patient with guidance, hope, and support. If substance abuse is present, group therapy may be helpful. Attending sessions with a licensed therapist helps groups of people who are trying to overcome the same issues. Peer support is a valuable tool that benefits all who are involved.

Dual diagnosis treatment at harm reduction in boynton beach, florida

If you or a loved one need assistance with these types of issues, it is essential to seek Florida dual diagnosis treatment. At Harm Reduction, we can help you return to a more normal life. For more information, contact us today.

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